My little Butterflies.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our norms, or is it?

“We live in a society of victimization, where people are much more comfortable being victimized than actually standing up for themselves.” -M.Manson

__This is what people are being accustomed to.
__But is this the norm that we are suppose to live up to?
__However standing up to what you believe, people say you're just retaliating or you know nothing whatsoever of the matter and immediately ignored or some punished for it.
__So what is this society that we live in?
__What thoughts are they putting into our heads?
__Beauty? I know not of its meaning anymore.
__Innovation? Creativeness? They're all restricted to the limits they bounded our imaginations to.
__What is this word 'Society' that feels so familiar and logical to be in one yet rather illogical seen.

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