My little Butterflies.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

That's the substance.

Houston, we have a problem.
We're out of fuel!

These few days and well you can basically say it has been the whole week!
Its such a drag to study especially when all you're feeling is nothing other than pure impairment of a normal physical health. A wee-bit close to being brainsick.
Its like an epidemic on the lose. But not that the outbreak of attacks are on many individuals. Just One individual in particular, with many attacks from all sorts of viral infections.

This one particular subject I'm going to have in less than 12hours' time, is the worst.
Not only is it filled with all sorts of theories with theories in them, it's so lengthy and tedious that I'm having loads of brain freeze. System Overload-much!

But every part of a sad ending has a happy one;
greener grass on the other side? Laughs.
So there's teddy again. *aww, just squeals at how adorable teddy is*
Honestly, teddy has become my motivation to push through the fog that's messing up the channel ahead. And I'm so overwhelmed by gratitude right now.

Little chats.
Little talks.
Short nasty messages,
and believe it or not,
that's all it took to get the engines to jump-start again.

The faces that you make.
The gestures, all so warm.
Even your snore puts a smile on my face.

It's the little things in life that makes it all worth while.
*Heart melts at the thought of the snore*

So I guess this break has got to come to an end.
No more bloggie...
...for its back to the books it is for me.

No matter how bad things may seem,
look round the corner, you may just get a glance at that gorgeous angel,
all sweet and kind, just out there looking for ways to bring things back to mind.
Cheers! And never give up.
Just because of a few road blocks and detours, doesn't mean you have to throw yourself down a cliff. So here I leave you with a cheerful heart. I hope you will too.


kahzhing said...

ha? nasty messenge? lol,teddy is ur motivation and it can snoring? omg , sound like so scary ! haha, anyway all the best to u, take it easy, tat is no way u cant do it^^

XxiaO-EMo- said...

haha. "nasty" messages. XD hahahaaha.
yea can snore :D hehe^^ its so AWESOME! :D waakakaka :P hehe.
thanks^^ all the best to u too :D hehe (:


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