My little Butterflies.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Animals know Love.

This raccoon never left the side of a cat who was dying of a tumor. 
The cat was comforted for the final hours of her life by her long time friend.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Good Night.

Would you tell me a bedtime story?

Bow Tie.


Old Fashioned.

I think old fashioned is cute. I think kisses on the cheek and forehead, actual dinner dates, and asking someone out in person is so precious. I don't think the guy should always make the first move, but I feel as if it's cuter if the guy asks out the girl rather than it being the other way around, because i's been like that for so long. I liked it when guys actually valued their girls and called them sweetheart, and beautiful, instead of babe or 'his girl' like she's a property.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Don't listen to him, I do.


A beautiful noun.

I love unmade beds. I love when people are drunk and crying and cannot be anything but honest in that moment. I love the look in people's eyes when they realize they're in love. I love the way people look when they first wake up and they've forgotten their surroundings. I love the gasp people take when their favourite character dies. I love when people close their eyes and drift to somewhere in the clouds. I fall in love with people and their honest moments all the time. I fall in love with their breakdowns and their smeared makeup and their daydreams. Not because I'm some sadist but, Honesty is just too beautiful to ever put into words.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Laughed not.

Its funny how hello is always followed with goodbye,
Its funny how good memories can make you want to cry,
Its funny how forever never seems to last,
Its funny how much you'd loose if you forgot about your past,
Its funny how 'friends' can just leave you when you're down,
Its funny how when you need someone they're never around,
Its funny how people change and think they're so much better,
Its funny how many lies are packed into one 'love letter'
Its funny how people forgive, even though they can't forget,
Its funny how one night can contain so much regret,
Its funny how ironic life turns out to be,
But the funniest thing of all is...
...none of that's funny to me.


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