My little Butterflies.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

What's for Valentine's Day?

Saw alot of societies doing something, and suddenly I'm reminded of secondary school time when people would pay money to get things delivered to other people and some, even to people from other schools. If you're thinking about the upcoming month and gift gifting, then yes, you've most probably figured it out. The thing I'm thinking about and have been thinking about the past few days is Valentine's day.

"Will I finally celebrate it with someone?"
"Will I spend the time with my precious darlings and dears?"
"What gift to get?"
"What would they like?"
"What would my valentine like?"
But firstly the question : "Would you be my Valentine?"

Anyways, my favourite memes are going to show you what they do for their valentine!
Check them out below! (=

So anyway, Cheers! 
This is a short post. Yes it is. 
But before I adjourn, I would like to ask for opinions (if anyone would like to give some),
of ....What would you give your Valentine?
No matter it's for a girl or boy or even mom or dad, 
What would your gift be for your Valentine?

And with that I bid thee farewell~
Hope to get some feedback from you guys.

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