My little Butterflies.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Its an amazing feeling this is.
The world changes to be a different dimension according to one's mood.
Its like a metamorphosis happens,
all depending on what colour of mood you are in.

This is a promise I'm making,
for better or worst of the ones I love.
This promise to always be happy.

Words of a text,
have no emotions,
have no feelings.
Emoticons in it can be typed merely just for the sake of hiding one's true self.

One's perspective may begin from here.
One text
One sentence
or even ONE symbol.
Can bring meanings beyond your expectation.
All depending on one's mood.

I found out today that Happiness overrules whatever negativity one has.
Pessimism are so overrated.
and this coming from a former pessimist.

and truly, God has done it again.
HE did the impossible.
The one thing I thought I'd never face again.
The one feeling that was once lost and wasted.
--the blessedness of being loved--

HE will never disappear no matter how awful we have treated HIM.
This I know, and am ashame off.
Blaming Him for everything bad that has happened to me.
the hurt in which He allowed me to go through.
But, what I didn't see was,
HIS warm embrace when I needed someone to be there for me.
HIS warm touch which melted my broken heart,
allowing it to melt in order to reshape it,
making it WHOLE again.
HE had His way with me.
and I am and shall always be thankful for it.
This post, will remind me of how wonderful HE has been.
Finding me love and a way back to HIM.
Its amazing how when you love someone and get few folds in return.
Its just awesome!
This is ♥ LOVE

HE forgives.
HIS heart is so kind and warm.
And when people are in love,
they usually want to announce their love
or make sweet gifts for their loved ones.
SONGS to HIM are HIS people's gift back to HIM,
for the talents and gifts HE has given.
Forevermore, the songs praising and singing of HIS love,
cures my heart,
making my heart whole again.
Bringing back what I thought was lost.
The invincible me which no one saw,
Everything fulfilled and satisfied with more to be shared by others.
--Life would be a mistake if without music--
the songs which sings of love of Him to us and us to Him

Smile for HE shall not leave you.
Be glad as YOU are seen special and precious in HIS eyes.
When you feel all is lost, HE will provide that HOPE for a better tomorrow,
which HE will fulfill.
a prayer that everyday shall be my today for all.
full of bliss and ♥ LOVED ♥

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