My little Butterflies.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Letters put together.

Miss you, want so much to kiss you.
So I will blow kisses, and set them to the wind.
Hoping they find you, where ever you may be.
Hoping they land softly upon your lips, and chin, and jaw and neck.
Kissing you just the way I would if you were near.
Raining down upon you to drive the blues away.
Wrapping you in warmth, and everything good.
I pray my kisses find you well.
If not I pray they make you smile.
I will send plenty aloft.
Taking flight on the wind, my kisses searching.
My kisses finding, my kisses soothing.
So again I say; miss you, want so very much to kiss you.



siewmin said...

the "you" is me right? XD

XxiaO-EMo- said...

*shy shy*..
so obvious...don't need spell come out geh.. :P heheh! <3


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