My little Butterflies.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Merciless Air.

Smiling is the hardest thing to do
Especially when all you want to do is burst out in tears.

Here's one who has been so strong.
Putting on that smile,
Masking it all from everyone.
Those who know might only guess what she's going through.
I was one of those guessing.

I am constantly asking her.
She wouldn't tell.
All she wrote was a letter,
With smudged ink in blotched-like tear smear.

"When you asked.
Honestly, I wanted to tell you everything.
But I knew that I can't.
My answer will hurt not me,
But alot of other people.

I cannot be so selfish.
I don't want him to get hurt.
I don't want people to judge you.
I still believe that there is good in you.
I guess this is what they call a fool in love.

"I've been locked inside your heartshaped box for weeks."

Yes yours.
Everything's so misleading.
This yearning feeling feels so faded.
I don't know myself anymore.
Til death do us part; perhaps this is it.

I miss you.
Forevermore loving you. 
Did you know my love for you was infinite?
And that it is so bottomless,
It erased all of what you were in the past because it sees good in now.
I don't care about what happened.
I'm strongly believing that you've changed.
But please don't prove me wrong.
For everyone else has already started believing that I am."

Gasping for air;
Her words to him,

"I miss you.
I guess perhaps these are just mere words to you now.
My feelings are here to stay.
Can you feel my heart?
It beats so lifelessly now.
Slowly fading away. 
But it beats still longing to see you again."

But these words shall never see daylight, as he could never hear her voice again.

I believe in miracles.
People say miracles only happen in fairytales.
Well I believe in fairytales too.
Please don't fail her now.
You're all that's left which she's hanging on to.
At least kiss her farewell even on her dying bed.
She's just lying there waiting.
Waiting for another day to pass.
Waiting for when the Reaper will come and take her,
ending all her agony which has already killed her soul.

Have mercy. 

1 comment:

Dani said...

You are not alone anymore. I'm sorry. I've arrived.

Miss you


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