My little Butterflies.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Free Fall


One thing I truly know — know it in the pit of my stomach, in the center of my bones, know it deep in my chest — is how the power of love stretches across the vast plains of the earth, how it rides the waves among the seas, how it flies upon the wings of monarch butterflies, and how it sails through this celestial sphere.
Love is something wonderful and terrifying at the same time. It’ll take you over, overwhelming every thought, action and word. You’ll sing through your pores, and glow like the sun. You’ll draw hearts on your hand and you’ll hum while doing chores. Birds will fly in your window in the morning. And for sure, your stomach will unremittingly dance to the music your heart is providing. 

It’s true when they say you don’t really notice it when it hits you. Love - it just does. You don’t know how it happens, and, quite frankly, you don’t really try to figure out what happens. You just go with it. It happens to every single person. It happens 19,178,082 times a day. Falling in love is really a wonder. But you must be aware, too. You must contemplate well for a free fall can also bring you intense pain once you hit rock bottom. You must be ready for all the madness love will throw at you. The metaphysical gravity called love is indeed, a complicated yet thrilling sensation you can feed your heart with. So, jump in, have fun, make occasional mistakes, live what’s beautiful and fall freely.

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