My little Butterflies.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Latest addition!

Prior to this, my family of hogs consisted of a daughter and a son. They however eventually had incest and now are my son-in-law and daughter-in-law? Laughs. It's a queer situation. But their 'love' act, resulted in a baby boy! (The post before this; him with mommy sleeping)

But now, there are two more additions to the family! Well of course partly to prevent anymore unwanted incest, as well as more mates for my dearies to play with so that they will not be too lonely.

So, without anymore elaborated writings,

Taada! Well, that's his backside. But look how white he is!
I'm actually still wondering is he my kid or other grandkid. Laughs. 
But if he's my kid/grandkid, they all are, and thus...incest -_____-''

BUT wait. 
There's more. (ONE more to be exact.)

She looks like a puppy....wet puppy....just with spikes!
Yes, this brown one is a girl. A feisty one at that!
Why? -well, after giving them a bath, she actually gave me a bite on my index finger as thanks.
(Yes, it hurt eventhough they are that small.)
Don't ask whether their bite or spikes hurt more. Indifferent.

So, here are more pictures just for your delight. 
Or rather mine if you're not delighted. Teehee!

I guess that's why they're named hedgeHOGS. 
He has a snout!

The precious princess all curled up after a bath.

OH! did I mention he has red eyes?!
Cool right?! =D

AWWW... The emo one she is. 
So similar to Monroe. Who is coincidently cinnamon as well. 
Wonder if there's a connection. Or do girls just hate me? 

Their new home!
A pricey one at that too!
Hope they like it! Will be adding an additional member in there later though.

"Grrr... Don't snatch my food!"

"AH! Let me out!"

AWw... poor thing. Hate to see them locked up, but can't have them running around!
*sobs* Wait til morning comes and I'll let you out!

P/S: Sorry about the bad lighting. The colours isn't really nice. 
       Will upload more as soon as I take them! *teehee*!


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