My little Butterflies.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Outrageousness week

Gosh, I've not been blogging again.
My dearest blog, oh how so much I miss thee! *dramatizing*

Had a pretty weird, messed up, delightful, ambiguous week.
P/S: Sorry, No pictures for this post. Having some tech-error.

Check list!
Moral Report []
Moral Campaign [Pending]
ESS Report []
ESS Presentation [Pending]
Political Sn Report [Pending]
Political Sn Presentation []
Lifespan Report []
Lifespan Presentation []
Stats 2 Report [Pending]
Stats 2 Presentation [Pending]
CMT Report []
CMT Presentation [Pending]

So that's basically what HAS been done,
and what is YET to be.

Hear me whine,
Or I shall,
in you minds.

Was kind of sick and all due to some serious lack of sleep.
Got the most sleep was, I guess for Friday.
Saturday had midterm.
Which was sort of not really fair.
We had only like 30minutes to write the essay which HAD to consist of 6 paragraph.
Well, it would have been an easy job for those who actually DID study.
Unfortunately, I didn't.
Not because of laziness,
but just...well, crap happens to people once in awhile, ...and mostly everytime you go to the loo~ Laughs!
Monday had a presentation.
Thursday had presentation AND report to pass up,
AND a meeting which is not my very most favourite one.
Is it me? or...?
Well, I'll just be debating with myself in my mind if we ended up at THAT topic.
So anyways, after writing it out,
it didn't seem like much was done this week.
But weirdly, why I feel so lethargic and lifeless?

Alex asked me to drink some water because he said I LOOKED dry.
How do you see a person as being dry?
Spiritually? Physically? Emotionally? there a chance of it being projected onto my face? hmm...
*Added things to ponder on.

Oh Oh! I almost had this left out!
My dearest baby of 3years and 3months left me.
But he/she always does that to me. (I think she's a she) TeeHee!
So well, almost everytime I have assignments to rush and all,
SHE kind of always abandons me. Sobs!
The past 2 other semesters were like this too! DRAGGGGG!
So this week, I was babyless.
Well, except I still have my other baby; Mussie (:
Was running up and down to get one to do all the slides and all. Gosh!
But thankfully kitty was there to help (:
..and of course also my beloved handsomest bro, whom sacrificed his baby for me.
And we were both babyless this week. [Oh-so-cold-joke]~

Hoping that this week would be a better one.
Have upcoming events which is practically ripping my heart out from it's nervousness.
Pounding like no body's business and is giving me a pre-heart attack feel constantly.

Awesome news for the beginning of a new week!
I have a new baby! TeeHee!
No pictures yet, but soon. (:
Thanks so much to Melvin for helping me out.
He's been of great help to me this week.
Helping me out with slides, borrowing me his baby so I could finish my assignments.
And being my escort to CF!
Gosh, I've missed going to CF so much. Mainly for His presence (:
Melv! You the best lahhhh! (:
(Yeah, I purposely LAHHH for you. Just for you. Laughs! Feeling happy yet?) TeeHee!

Yeah, I know this is a long post.
Shall cut it short now. (:
So well, til next time, which is when I get my camera cable back!
So I can flash off pictures of events,
....which I should have blogged for like don't know how many N years.
So til then, will update more soon! *fingers-crossed*
Let's hope I do. (:
And a great week to you all too (: !

And yes, I noticed that this post is rather messy. Hmmm. wonder why. Doucheface

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