My little Butterflies.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Water under the bridge.

At last, could it be?
The decision made was never my biding?

All she ever did was sob. She was thinking about him and him again. He asked what is to be made as the final sentence? She couldn't reply. For she know not of what to reply. She honestly have no idea what is going on in her mind.

Momo was her name. Emo was her game.

He shut her out. With all given signals that he would. I saw it coming. She predicted it. He was so much similiar to her that it's scary. I saw them all. It is a sad three-sided polygon. It's never easy for anyone.

It's deplorable. Honestly.
Everything's gone wrong. So very wrong.
I believe not in this. Neither does she in superstitious beliefs.
At times like this, it's just uncool be so doubtful.

You know what.
She didn't have to make any decisions.
One of the he made it for her.
She wants to undo things.
She wants to say what's not said.
She wants to do so much to fix it.
But some part of her told me, "Maybe it's best this way."

He'll forget her.
He'll erase all memories of her.
She will put hers in the stack of memories she has.
Locks the door of her heart once again.
For until it is healed again.

So much unfinished business.
So much needed to be fixed.
Yet the more fixing done,
the worst it becomes.

Now she's numbing herself.
Her heart feels almost nothing now.
I see coldness in her.
Yet if you look deep enough,
you'll see it in her eyes that there's tears inside.
Crystallized to perfection.

You made her decision for her.
You made my decision for me too.
Could it be that this is meant to be?

Nothing more I can say to change your mind?
Nothing else that can be done?

Momo she is.
She tore her heart out.
Leaving just trails of blood.
..with some written words.

Sigh. Momo darling.
You're a ruthful one.

R.I.P my dear one.

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