My little Butterflies.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Viral visit [V2].

Woke up in agonizing pain again.
The past week was filled with virus. Not computer viruses, but more of the ones that make people sick. And guess what, mine does not just stop at that one virus. It calls for a sleepover and invites it's friends.

Day 1.
It comes shopping, roaming and overnighting at my place.
Before showing itself, it menaces around a little.
Being a little cold, talking bad about me [being the myth of sneezing].
For dinner, eating lots of spicy stuff and making my throat hurts.
Then lastly at night it uncovers itself being Ms. FEVER.

Ding Dong.
Looky who it is. It's food poisoning.
They had a makeover. Putting on and washing off makeup.
Doing each other's nails.
Then when it was just plain boring.
Pillows were taken out for a PILLOW FIGHT.

Feeling the utmost discomfort from going to and fro from the loo.
Urghh. Groans.

However fever and food poisoning got bored and decided to invite colic over.
Ouchies. That's what I've been feeling the whole day now.
It's that much pain until I couldn't even get up for a decent walk. Gosh.
Pain creeping front and back of my body.
Bones being injected with wind. Uhhhh.

Thank God mom got me some meds. But she didn't get the one I wanted though.
Then my car had to be so coincidently be sent for repairs.
But thank God again for ANGELS around.
One in particular to thank for coming to kidnap me to the pharmacy to get me the drug I needed.
And two other angels who were so sweet to come visit, one being my lifesize teddy. Laughs.
[Yeah, it's some inside joke :b]

So well, getting visited by SO many people and non-people [virus] ain't too bad.
But prays that no more non Homosapiens' visit please and thankyous.

Wishing good health to all (:


Danial Jaafar 🇲🇾 said...

hope ur all better now. get well and kickin! =)

(sounds like a bacterial infection to me, could be from the food u had)

XxiaO-EMo- said...

aww.. thanks Danial (:

hahaha i think so too. Alot of people in my hostel area is having this too. I guess it's kinda infectious? or really from food. :\ eek!


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