My little Butterflies.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Fine line.

Don't you just hate AND LOVE it when some people don't have a mind of their own?
Everything is a blind follow.
No critical thinking.
And just follow what ever people just say.

I had a lecturer once said on the question asked about 'dumb questions people give'.
He answered that, if they are stupid, the people that pursue them to insist to ask more to get more answer or to stay on it are stupid.
I guess it kinda takes one to NOT KNOW one.
Not to know how silly the question is and to join in the arguement, right?

But there is no right or wrong.
And these are just my thoughts of stuff I'm thinking.
People have no say to what's right and wrong, but there's a fine line to them, right?

Everything has a fine line to it too.
Insanity and sanity.
Something so genius and something just MAD.

This world can't get anymore awesome than this.
To have debates about this. I love debates. Especially when there's a productive arguementative outcome to it. It kills boredom and puts human brains to good use, THAT's for sure.

1 comment:

XxiaO-EMo- said...

Death Cab For a Cutie - my mirror speaks


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