My little Butterflies.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Just today.

Went for a movie.
Epic laughters.
It was a hilarious movie of my pick which made you laugh.
Which made me laugh.
Smiles contently.

...Mais pourquoi?
Pourquoi at-il d'être comme ça?
...But why?
Why does it have to be like this?

Then it ended with sadness and just pure sorrow.
Not from the movie.
The feeling of remorse.
Its saddening to know that I've caused someone their happiness.
...and that strips me from mine.

You made me cry.
"Someone shallow will believe in luck, but a wise person sees it as cause and effect"
A quote from the movie.
And i believe what goes around come around.
I guess my actions is what caused me how I feel now.

It's sad.
Blue to the core.
I'm shutting myself in now.
I don't want to be that one who causes this pain to myself by causing them to others.
Time, is all I ask for.
Broken - Secondhand Serenade plays in my mind now.

Someone, whose words means the world to me said, "'s called being asservative"
"..and having your own opinion"
" just need to be arrogant once awhile. It helps"
Me saying, "...arrogant is a good thing?"
Someone then said, " times. it makes you more confident in yourself."

"..our actions is what set things in motion, and we'll have to live with that."

My face is all flush.
Eyes are all watery.
All I need now is sleep. To flush my mind out of all the things inside.

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