My little Butterflies.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Not being there.

I miss my babes. and my one and only bitch.
My Dear and Darling. They both rock my world. Sadly they are now

186.411358 Miles away from me.

I hope they're having fun, though without me.
I kinda 'ffk-ed' them. FFK; 'fong fei kei', which in Cantonese literally translated means 'to put aeroplane', which means that to make a promise then to break it.
I honestly miss them. Keep reminiscing about the times we had, during our last semester break where we were at my hometown partying. And celebrated my Dear and my own's birthday there. They are so awesome. I miss the times we had. I really wish i was there with them now.

..but sadly, I couldn't go.
Cash is tight. And thus my boredom. My anguish. So pretermit.

I honestly anticipate the pictures and lomos that they will show me.
Deep down inside, I wanna be apart of those pictures.
I miss them. Wonder what they're playing.
Wonder what awesome food they're partaking.
What stuff they're critiquing. Stuff they're buying. Things they're admiring.
Wondering whether I crossed their minds. Chuckles.
I do miss them.
I miss you guys.
Can't wait to see you guys soon.
The 7 of you.
Rex&Min Yee Papa Jye Okzai(and our new addition) KS

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