My little Butterflies.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Sometimes its so funny how people say they don't have a choice to anything.
Everyone HAS a choice.
It's their choice whether to choose or not.
And saying that they don't have a choice is also part of choosing to say it,
and if one is so unpleased with the things that's happening, then well, is it then right to blame others? or just yourself for not standing up for what you think is right?
Its so funny, like seriously when you see people say they don't have a choice,
But all I see in front of me are people who don't make choices,
and other people makes it for them.
When things turn out sour, they start blaming the others.

People have choices.
Its only easier to say that we don't.
(and some, so that they do not need to get all responsible for whatever happens to it.)

Even people who say they don't have a group or don't belong in a group,
STILL, there's a group for those who are deemed outcasts.
So that just proves that even not belonging has a group to belong to.
And not choosing or chasing what you want is also just a choice not made.

Cheers to making choices!

"I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime."

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

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