My little Butterflies.

Friday, April 16, 2010


To cheapen a thing.
Putting down someone's name.
Reducing the worth or character, verbally.

All these demeaning acts,
Definitely I've known of its existence.
But I never knew one could degrade the meaning of "LOVE"

What is in the word is love?
Love; strong positive emotion of regard and affection.
Love; any object of warm affection or devotion.
Love; a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction.
Love; someone who is loved. (endearment)
Love; a friendly form of address. (informally)

So by attaching a "I" and a "You" at the front and back of the word "love"
you can see the meaning of it.

It has no exact definition of who it SHOULD be said to.
And saying it to everyone (who matters to you) doesn't mean that it means nothing at all.
It has a significant meaning.
And even though there are some people who misuse the words to take advantage of other people does not mean that everyone does.

Love, what is it when I tell you "I love you"?
Object? ~ Music, Food, Drinks ~

or is it..
Puppy love?
Agape love?

Whether it's..
Matter of substance
Lover/ Mate
Physical attraction

You cannot be certain what I mean by it.
So don't judge me with the assumption from one person,
That one person who gives the meaning of love a bad name.
You can bet it with my life that I mean what I say when I say those 8 letters, 3 words in one sentence.

And if you ask me.
Is it degradable?
Its mere expression of affection towards another.
And if you are fond of the person,
To me, its okay to keep reminding the person of how loved and appreciated he or she is in your life and that someone is still there for them if they need anyone to lean on for support.
And I don't care if some of you have some queer mind thinking that only the word "ILY" can be said to lover. That's so so so shallow by the way, me anyways.
So, that may be your perception, but I have my own.
And its just my way to express my love no matter family, friend or mate-kind to YOU all. (:

So at the end of all this,
I love you (:
~ so go thinking what you may and get creative with what it means.
for if you know me, then you'd know what meaning is it for you (:
If you still don't know then well...
Don't go assuming and make an ass of everyone.
So Cheers!

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