My little Butterflies.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Cupcakes vs Muffins

Every time when I'm suppose to be studying,
I somehow get sidetracked to doing something else.
And weirdly, I don't exactly know how I ended up popping to this question:
"What's the difference between a cupcake and a muffin?"

Do you know the difference?

Well, I didn't go check / Google what is or are their differences because,
the pictures says it all.

Now imagine a Butterfly and a Moth.
And you'll see the difference right away. (:

Cupcakes and Muffins;
From their outer appearance,
it's kind of obvious.

As for its taste,
...well, that I'm not so sure.
Haha. But both are equally good in their own ways.

So, without looking at what I'm going to write at the bottom of the pictures,
try guessing what they are.
Let's see if you're lucky.

And by the way, this gorgeous muffin picture (above) was from
Where alot of the pictures in here are from too.

So anyways, back to the muffin and cupcake thing, some of you might have guessed which are the muffins and which are the cupcakes.
So the answer is.......
That the cupcakes are the ones more decorated and colourful and more attractive.
The muffin is usually brown, or just chocolate brown. Hardly decorated.
So tadaa! Claps for those who got it right!
And for those who didn't, still claps for the sportsmanship!

So don't they look just like the butterfly and moth concept?

For more info about how cupcakes and muffins differ from each other,
here's a website which kind of compares them both,
from ingredients, appearance, to even their history!
(Laughs, so I did actually do my homework after all. :P )

In summary,
1.Cupcakes and muffins are similar in shape
but a cupcake uses a cake recipe and a muffin uses a bread recipe.
2.Cupcakes have been popular confectioners’ treats for years while muffins only gained popularity as coffee houses began popping up across the country.
3.Cupcakes generally have more sugar and frosting and are popular with kids while muffins are made with a variety of stir-ins and accompany coffee.

Lastly, just for laughs,
here's a muffin joke for all you muffin lovers.
(Credits to U.A.E for it)

The muffin said: Why can’t I be cute like the cupcakes?
I replied: Don’t feel bad... you’re ugly… but in a cute way =P
The muffin said: But I want to be CUTE !!!
I replied: Sorry… but… once a muffin… ALWAYS a muffin XD !
The muffin said: Eat shit !
I replied: No… I’ll eat you ! Nyahahahahahahaaaaaaa !

So, that's all for now. Cheers!
Until next time

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