My little Butterflies.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hero of the night!

Creepy crawlies of the night
Come out to play when there's no light.
When creatures of the dawn are not in sight
Their eyes are closed but vamps' fangs in flight.
(by me) Weee~ :3

My hero of the night. LITERALLY.
Cos my hero is a VAMPIRE. ^w^
With fangs and maybe claws.
Like how a vampire may be like.
But an bubbly personality which everyone can't resist.

Vampiee here helped me solve the problem I had about my internet line;
Which was being so so so mean on me.
Like literally bitch-fitting on me for no reasons at all.
Well, like I said, if you can't solve it alone, get backup or some pros to help you.
And well, this one was like angel sent!
Vampiee came to the rescue =D
..even without me going out to find one; I might add.

At the end of the day,
Vampiee found out that someone was actually blocking my access to the net. -dayum!
ROARS. curses to whoever it/he/she may be.

So the actual whole main point of this post is a tribute to that special Vampiee who is a pro in IT.
HaHa. You know who you are (:
And also sorries for keeping Vampiee from hunting for food tonight,
just to fix, solve the devil's tweaks.
Thanks again Vampiee (:

By the way, I guess you must be wondering what's with the colourful "Vampiee(s)".
Long story short.
I wanted to know what is/are Vampiee's favourite colour(s).
And Vampiee asked me to guess. Throwing words at me like Black, White, Apple, McD.
Haha. So, this is MY conclusion of it all.

Vampiee : (Green) for the apple, and also colour of Vampiee's msn pm :3

Vampiee + Vampiee : The colours of McD.

Vampiee + Vampiee : (Purple & Blue), Cos randomly I like those colours. -HaHa!

Vampiee : (White) Vampiee's favourite colour.

Vampiee : (is suppose to be BLACK) But you can't really see it cos of the background. Is for Vampiee cos besides WHITE, the other favourite colour is black!


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