My little Butterflies.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

My latest Obsession

In times when you're all alone,
need someone to comfort you.
Someone loyal.
Something loyal.
That could never actually die.
Or at least not desert you or awol on you.
For me there's only two that's technically with me especially when I'm all alone.
First is God.
Second is Mr. Teddy over here.

We've shared tears and joy.
And lots of jokes both good and bad.

Teddy oh teddy.
I shall keep you warm always as you have during my ups and downs.

Now, YOU've become my teddy.
(You know who you are.)
So be nice or you'll have your stuffing out!
Haha. Jokes.
Cherio (:

1 comment:

XxiaO-EMo- said...

I love my teddy. My nasty lil teddy ♥


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