My little Butterflies.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Petrol Rush!

Noooooooooooooooooooo......!!! ,
..was my reaction when I saw a post about the increase in price as below.

"The price of sugar will go up 25sen to RM1.75 per kg; LPG will go up 10sen to RM1.85 per kg; petrol RON95 will be up 5sen to RM1.85 per litre and diesel will be up 5sen to RM1.75 per litre."

Well this kinda sucked.
As if we students don't have it hard enough. Even with PTPTN, it's quite hard to survive with the increasings of stuffs like this. Sighs!

Oh well, save up as much as possible- I thought.
So off to the petrol station BEFORE it turns midnight! And I guess EVERYONE, well not everyone, but ALOT of people heard about the news too!
Just look at the amount of cars flowing.

..and this was during the EARLIER time.

This was like 5minutes after we arrived, (before the first picture).
*and my favourite picture of the night btw.

And this is after we've gone nearer inside.
You could actually see the rows of cars lining.

And this would be an upper-eagle-eye-view.
Although not much EAGLE-eyed, but we try.
Alex took this photo with half his body out of the car.
Dangling on the side of the car with only his thigh's strength; sustaining and maintaining himself for the sake of this picture.

This was moments after we left the place. More cars had come!

And a further view of how many cars there are.
And well, there was a longer queue behind those cars.

So well, have you pumped your petrol?
If yes, congrats on your patience to wait for your turn.
If no, awww... too bad. :P
Anyways, Cheers!
Have a nice day ahead (:

*P/S: Credits to Alex for taking all those pictures.


Ryan said...

that's bad....
malaysia's petrol rise again

XxiaO-EMo- said...

yeah, the 97'petrol is no longer subsidized.
but look at it another way, at least we'll grow a backbone (for those who don't)and not depend on subsidize to survive (:


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