My little Butterflies.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ouch Ouch Ouch!

Ps: The picture below is not for the faint hearted. (:

Laughs in irony.

Cut my finger while opening some bottle-like thingy just now.
Finger is bleeding.
I am now really grateful to God for being to awesome and creating opposable THUMBS for us.
Without a thumb, it really is torturous to get anything done.
Firstly the time factor and well... it's just plain trouble.
A great example would be that you don't see cats or dogs or any animal for that matter who can open doors. Being able to turn the knob. Well.. maybe apes or those primates can, but the point is one thing humans can do more and better than animals are that they have thumbs.
You don't see my dog or any dog for that matters eating with a spoon, for if my baby could, she would spare me a whole lot of time cleaning up her messy eating habits. Gosh!

So thankfully I have a LEFT HAND, or else I don't know what can I possibly do now without hurting myself. The wound is about 0.8mm in length and can open up to 0.4mm. It is THAT deep! Ouch! Sobs.
(yes, i did actually measure it with a ruler! Haha!)

So be grateful for who you are.
You're created for something great and purposeful!
Don't defile yourself for nothing! At least you owe yourself that much. (:

The blood shed.
Wanted to take a picture of my injured thumb.
And the depth of it cos' it's wicked deep! (for me that is)
But it's too painful to open it though it opened for the second time from carrying some heavy plastic bags of groceries. Sobs!
Plus my hand just hurts, too lazy to take a picture of it.
Wee~ hehe!

Just love how red the blood is.

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